Free shipping on orders over 499NOK
Free shipping on orders over 499NOK
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Shipping Policy

Handling time

Once we have received your order, we will ship it as fast as possible, and it will leave our warehouse no longer than 1 business day after your purchase. All orders are shipped from our warehouse in Oslo, Norway.


Shipping Methods & Delivery Time

We use Postnord Tracked Express shipping on all our orders, and we also offer a Pick-up-Point at Majorstuen in Oslo free of charge.

Postnord Tracked Express - allows you to track your order the whole way, and receive it within 3-7 business days, depending on your location. With this option, you will receive your package in your mailbox, and if your mailbox is too small, you will receive a notification from your local post office to pick it up.

Pick-up-Point Uranienborg - is free of charge and allows you to collect your order on the same day, however, this has to be scheduled with us beforehand. We are usually available from 10:00 - 23:00 Monday to Friday, but these times may change during summer. If you are in a hurry, please send a request to before you choose this option, and we will respond as soon as possible.

Pick-up-Point Kragerø - will be available some weeks during June - August. Please send us a message beforehand to schedule delivery with this method. If you choose this method without contacting us first, your pick up may be delayed around a week.


Shipping Cost

Orders above 499 NOK will receive free shipping within Norway. All orders below 499 NOK will include a fixed shipping cost of 49 NOK.

Orders from outside of Norway will include a fixed shipping cost of 300 NOK.